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Sizzling Strategies To Gain Executive Support

  • 20 Sep 2016
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • BROOKDALE Senior Living I, 820 Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, NJ


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Chapter Meeting

September 20, 2016 

  Sizzling Strategies to Gain Executive Support


About This Event

What is the strategy behind gaining executive support? Basically, it’s all about the conversation. We have all been there, prepared to present and BAM… you are met with a negative outcome.

The panel will present a humorous scenario for you to observe what not to say when trying to gain support.  One panel member will then come to your table and have an interactive conversation on 3 key topics: Budget, Priority & Value.  Through interactive table discussion we will uncover the objections and challenges you face as it pertains to C-suite support within Corporate and Independent business sectors.  Understanding points for leverage and tips to negotiate will better prepare you for a positive outcome in your next conversation. Your table will then have a chance to do some role playing and get feedback from the panelist. You can choose to be in the role play or just watch and learn!

Our panelists will then join back up and present a serious version of the same scenario to demonstrate using good persuasion techniques to gain buy-in. This should provide key Ah-ha moments for you and the opportunity for more Q&A. 


Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Effectively use the keys to persuasion, knowing what to say and what NOT to say
  • Position your next conversation in your favor to gain buy-in for your program
  • Be able to adapt to changing business needs to assure your proposal matches corporate objectives


ATD Competency Model

This session complements the Coaching, Knowledge Management, Business Skills, and Interpersonal Skills competencies.


About Our Panel      


Chris Corvino

Board Volunteer



L&D Professional Panel Member:

 Bobbi Miller

 Executive Director Learning Specialist

 Brookdale Senior Living


Sales Panel Member:

 Zachary Konopka

 Vice President Sales & Strategic Partnerships

 Skilitics eLearning


C-Suite Panel Member:

 Tony Irace

 Business Unit Learning Leader


 Tony is Co-Chair of our Executive Advisory Council




5:30 - Networking and Light Snack
6:15 - Welcome & Chapter Business
6:30 - Program: Table Discussions, Practice/Role Play
8:00 - Panelist Demonstration and Q&A
8:15 - Wrap-Up 



NNJ-ATD Member - $45.00 (USD)
NNJ-ATD Member Executive Package - $0 (USD)
NNJ-ATD Non-Member - $60.00 (USD)
Non-Member but Member of Mid-NJ ATD or Morris County SHRM - $45.00 (USD)

Event Contact

For any questions about this event, please contact:
Chris Corvino at or 908-532-0220.


Our Sponsors

Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management is offering two unique fall courses for professionals in the New York City metro area! For details on the two courses - Finance for Non-Financial Managers and Corporate Innovation – visit


We thank new member Bobbi Miller and her company Brookdale for hosting the event at their location.


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