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Employee Learning Week - Leading SME's to Water

  • 04 Dec 2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • (Virtual - Online - Webinar)


  • ELW2016 Webinar Series
  • ELW2016 Webinar Series

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The Northern New Jersey Association for Talent Development is celebrating Employee Learning Week with a series of FREE lunch-time webinars!

2017 Employee Learning Week

Lunchtime Webinar Speaker Series

Kick-off Session:  

   Leading SME's to Water

Presented By: Shawn Rosler

Monday, December 4th, 2017

12:00pm - 1:00pm

About the Session: You know the process…we’ve all experienced it: SME hands binder full of knowledge to us, we try to both learn the material and craft effective training around it in what can only be described as an insane timeline, we make it happen at the expense of our sanity only to turn around and do it all over again. 

If ONLY there was a way leverage the SME’s knowledge to assist us in our design and development processes…well, wait no longer.  In the mid 2000’s, presenter Shawn Rosler grew tired of the back and forth…tired of trying to wrap his head around every little thing that came in, only to have the SME send edits back by the truckload on materials and concepts he’d had yet to learn. 

Necessity led to invention, of sorts, and Shawn put into place a process he’s referred to as “SME Driven Design” – A templated, SME-assisted approach to design and development which cut development time down, minimized edits/corrections, and increased potential development volume exponentially.  

About the Presenter:

Shawn Rosler has been an instructional designer, project manager, and developer of dynamic, interactive, and highly efficient computer and Web-based training for fifteen years. Recently, he has become co-owner and Vice President of Radius Leaders LLC, an organization focused on cultivating strong, motivated leaders in the workplace. 

He's a frequent contributor to various industry-based publications; with his 2009 article “Trimming the Fat” appearing in T&D Magazine. Shawn has presented to academic, medical, and corporate audiences, covering an expansive array of topics, including: The eLearning Guild's 2009 Learning Solutions; the 2010, 2011, 2014, 15, and 16 DevLearn conference; and the Online Forums in 2012, as well as Penn State’s 2015 WebConference.

From the basics of adult learning theory to the real-world application of converting instructor-led training to a computer or Web base, he is an evangelist for trimming down processes while keeping them effective.  Most importantly, he’s been married to his incredible wife, Greta, for 14 years and holds the title of “Daddy” to his three amazing boys: Wesley, Chas, and Raymond.

About Employee Learning Week:

Employee Learning Week is an awareness campaign highlighting the important connection between learning and achieving organizational results. All organizations are encouraged to recognize Employee Learning Week by rededicating themselves to employee learning. For more information about ATD Employee Learning Week 2017 visit the ATD website: , or email


NNJ-ATD Members - FREE
NNJ-ATD Non-members - FREE

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