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How to Survive Fall 2020 with COVID: Kids and Family AND Keep Quality Training Going

  • 17 Sep 2020
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Learning right at your desktop!


  • Receive a discounted price instead of the non-member price.

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Chapter Meeting| Thursday, Sept 17 | 6:30 pm | ZOOM

How to Survive Fall 2020 with COVID,
Kids, Family, 
Keep Up the Quality Training

Virtual Round Table


About This Event

Connect with us for a moderated, instructor-led round table session where we will share challenges and ideas for solutions to help us learning professionals overcome the new fall environment of going back to school, while getting back to work (whether remotely or in person). 

We will cover 4 key topics in 15 minute intervals. This  speed-learning session is meant to be interactive so bring your thoughts and ideas to our community! The topics planned are:

  1. At home: Making and living with the decision of where your children attend school and how that affects your work environment.
  2. At work: Tips and trick you have used to maintain a quality training in a virtual environment.
  3. A topic from a writer, Chelsea Lamb of Business POP. We'll share the article prior to the event for you to read.
  4. We'll leave a slot open for your hot question.  Come with a question or email in advance your question to prior to the event.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Gain some insight on coping with new routines

  • Gain additional mechanisms for juggling your work/life balance


NNJ-ATD Members -  Member Benefit
NNJ-ATD Members-in-Transition - $15
NNJ-ATD Non-Members, but members of other ATD Chapters, SHRM - $15
NNJ-ATD Non-Member - $25 USD

How to Join the Webinar  

You will be sent the webinar link in your registration confirmation email.

Event Contact

For any questions about this event, please contact us at:

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