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REGIONAL WEBINAR EVENT: "Your Virtual Presence: How to Authentically Engage and Connect in any Situation"

  • 24 Mar 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Learning Delivered Right to Your Desk!


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REGIONAL WEBINAR EVENT  | Wednesday, March 24 | 6-7 pm | Online

Your Virtual Presence:  How to Authentically Engage and Connect in any Situation

Micky Lazic

About This Event

ATD NNJ is proud to participate in the ATD Regional Webinar Series. This collaboration of 6 ATD chapters (including Eastern PA, Greater Philadelphia, Mid NJ, Northern NJ, Long Island & New York City) is bringing together the best of our networks to provide world class presenters and content.  We look forward to sharing these webinars with you throughout 2021.

The pandemic caused the greatest office exodus of all time. For many employees, this meant joining virtual meetings or working from home, when they hadn’t before. As a result, companies were challenged to find new ways to connect remote teams. They were also challenged to use more video and different messaging tools.

The good news is that most employees are happy with the change. According to Pew Research, 65% of teleworkers who use remote technologies such as video conferencing or instant messaging think online tools are a good substitute for in-person contact.

Conversely, 20% of leaders reported they felt less effective at leading virtual teams. Further, 15% felt their ability to show empathy had diminished, which is normally a skill where leaders rate themselves well. But this drop shows leaders are much less sure of themselves when they are put to the test, especially virtually. Demonstrating empathy on a video call takes much more finesse than doing it in person!

In this hands on session, you’ll discover strategies (and science) to overcome fear and position yourself as an invaluable leader. Join us and Micky Lazic from Own The Room where you will learn to:

  • Master the magic formula to gain respect,
  • Forge stronger relationships, and
  • Increase your influence during any meeting, presentation, or interview.

Own The Room is a global training company like no other. Own The Room brings a uniquely experiential approach to learning & development that employs a highly interactive and innovative methodology that will engage and energize you as you learn real life skills and knowledge that you can apply immediately.

About Our Presenter

Micky Lazic | Executive Communication and Leadership Coach

Micky believes that businesses thrive when they focus on people first – both their customers and employees. As a Coach, she loves helping teams be their best selves, becoming better equipped to deliver their finest performance in their day-to-day work.

Helping people succeed has been a theme throughout Micky’s career. After working spending time abroad teaching business English in southern Turkey, she returned to New York to serve as a regional head of training for Lululemon, providing personal development and leadership training to managers and staff at New York’s retail locations. Recently, she launched MK Metrics, a consulting practice to improve companies talent retention, L&D programing, and operation in accordance with their core values.


6:00 - 7:00 pm Webinar


NNJ-ATD Members -  Free
Guest - $25 USD

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