Chapter Event | Webinar | Thursday, June 17, 2021, 6:15 PM | Online
Developing Your Talent:
How ‘Future Ready’ is
Your Company?
Building Action Plans for the
Top 10 Workforce Trends

Pamela C. Sammarco
CEO, Green Training
Associates LLC

About This Event
Companies are focused more than ever on developing your workforces, given the increasing shortage of skilled talent. Workforce research and trends are plentiful and readily available. But where should you begin? "Is this trend meaningful for my business? "How do I take the trend and apply it to my company?” We’ve got you covered to summarize and interpret the data science.
You’ll find fascinating the clear business case for companies to focus on developing your talent today and tomorrow. Join us for an interactive conversation about Developing Your Talent: How ‘Future Ready’ is Your Company? We'll review:
- The Data Science that tells an urgent and compelling Talent Development Story.
- The top 10 workforce trends.
- How to solve your Talent challenges to improve your company’s future readiness.
We will do a topline review and help you navigate three questions:
- What is the Trend?
- What is the business case?
- What are the top action plan priorities for my company?
Enjoy a value-packed program, with Pam’s expertise, bias for practical tips, along with recommended priorities to address each trend. Leave with best practices that you can implement in your organization. Attendees will receive a link to a FREE online Talent Development Business Assessment and a customized Results Meeting. Please join us for an engaging discussion!
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About Our Presenter

Pam Sammarco, CEO, founded Green Training Associates LLC in 2009 to develop people’s capabilities to solve the world’s challenges and build sustainable organizations. We accelerate business growth through Training, Talent, Coaching and Mentoring Solutions. Pam is a trusted advisor for clients’ talent development priorities, helping people and businesses to perform at their highest potential. We help our clients thrive with upskilling and reskilling plans for your leaders and workforce to match capabilities with your business goals. We build sustainable organizations that balance business strategy with people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships, focused on short and long-term goals within and around its eco-system.
Pam has proven success as a strategic leader in complex training strategies, leadership and workforce readiness, organizational effectiveness, culture shift, transformation and sustainability strategies. She serves diverse industries and excels in Life Sciences, Sustainability, Environmental Science and Technology industries. Pam’s accomplished corporate career includes: Citicorp, American Express, Alcatel-Lucent and Medco Health Solutions.
Pam’s credentials include:
- M.S. Applied Psychology, HR Management – Stevens Institute of Technology
- B.A. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, minors in Math and Statistics –
Douglass College, Rutgers University. Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and Psi Chi Psychology National Honor Society
- Certified in Hogan Predictive Leadership Assessment Systems
- Certified Professional in Talent Development

- 6:15 - 6:20 pm – Webinar Lobby Opens
- 6:20 - 6:30 pm – Chapter Announcements
- 6:30 - 8:00 pm – Webinar

- NNJ-ATD Members – Member Benefit
- NNJ-ATD Non-Member – $25.00

How to Join the Webinar
- The webinar link will be included in your registration confirmation email.

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