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CHAPTER EVENT: "The 360-Gender Sphere and the Six Strategies to Create Resilience"

  • 14 Oct 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online


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Chapter Event | Webinar | Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM | Online

The 360-Gender Sphere 
and the Six Strategies to
Create Resilience


6:30 PM 8:00 PM

Dr. Dawn Adams-Harmon

CEO, EBW Healthcare Consultants;
Faculty, Kean University, Management and Marketing Department

About This Event

The 360-Degree Gender Sphere and Six Success Strategies to Create Resilience engages women and men and creates awareness of unconscious biases facing women in the healthcare sector. The 360-Degree Gender Sphere which are obstacles that encapsulate women when attempting to ascend the corporate ladder, and the six success strategies to create resilience that women must leverage to create resiliency to overcome the 360-Degree Gender Sphere and ascend, are the components of this program.

In this presentation, Dr. Adams-Harmon will:

  • Share research results from female executives that worked in the healthcare industry at large, medium and small companies.
  • Participants will take the 360-Degree Gender Sphere self-assessment to ascertain which component is affecting their ascension.
  • Present one of the six strategies to create resilience - Flexibility.  
  • Participants will utilize the Flexibility Action plan.

About Our Presenter

Dr. Dawn Adams-Harmon obtained an Undergraduate degree in Marketing and Psychology from Montclair State University, received an MBA in Management from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and has completed her Doctorate in Management / Organizational Leadership. Her doctoral dissertation topic: Successful Ascent of Female Executives in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Qualitative, Transcendental, Phenomenological Study; was published in ProQuest in 2018, and was published in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, International Journal/Special Edition in the fall of 2020.

Her professional career has been dedicated to over 30 successful years in the healthcare industry. She spent the majority of her time as a sales leader launching five sales teams and launching products in the New York Metropolitan marketplace with Pfizer, Schering Plough, and Merck.  At Pfizer, Dr. Adams-Harmon held several training and management positions, including the Director of Leadership Development.  At Schering Plough and Merck, Dr. Adams-Harmon developed a mentoring program that was executed nationally.

Dr. Adams-Harmon developed the 360-Degree Gender Sphere and 6 Strategies to Create Resilience Awareness, Assessment and Action Planning seminar that is based on her primary research which assists women in the healthcare industry in ascending the corporate ladder.  This program is essential as it shows overt and covert unconscious biases that women face in healthcare, and empowers minorities and women to move upward in the corporate world.

Her company, EBW Healthcare Consultants, is a firm that is focused on providing research driven programs that change behaviors and acceptance in the healthcare sector, for women and minorities.

She has lectured for international and domestic audiences on the 360-Degree Gender Sphere and the 6 Strategies to Create Resilience workshops. She has presented to international and domestic audiences; The National HBA, Healthcare Business Women’s Association Mid-NJ; Northern/NJ and NY HBAs, Post-Doctoral Network(PDN), and the IPharma international conference.

Recently, Dr. Adams-Harmon collaborated with Biogen Biotech and rolled out the 360-Degree Gender Sphere and 6 Success Strategies to Create Resilience Awareness, Assessment, and Action Planning workshop in its entirety.


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