Regional Webinar Event | Wednesday, January 26, 2022 | 6:00 - 7:00 PM | Online
How to Create Peer Coaching in Your Organization
Meredith Bell
Author & Publisher Co-founder and President of Performance Support Systems
NNJ ATD is proud to participate in the ATD Regional Webinar Series.
This collaboration of 6 ATD chapters (including Eastern PA, Greater Philadelphia, Mid NJ, Northern NJ, Long Island & New York City) is bringing together the best of our networks to provide world class presenters and content.
We look forward to sharing these webinars with you throughout 2022.
About This Event
What if you could wave a magic wand and provide everyone in your organization with a coach? Sounds crazy, right? Most of the time, coaching is reserved for senior leaders because it’s not feasible to hire an executive coach for all employees. But there is a way to create a coaching culture where people support each other on an ongoing basis. This approach involves leaders and team members alike learning how to effectively coach one another. And it doesn’t require special certification or technology.
The webinar includes the following key take-aways:
About Our Presenter
Meredith Bell is co-founder and President of Performance Support Systems, a global software company providing assessment and development tools for the workplace. Their award-winning software and books guide leaders and team members to make the shift from KNOWING to DOING. The result is permanent improvements in the way people interact with each other at work.
Meredith is an expert in leader and team communications, the author of three books, and the host of the Strong for Performance podcast. She has worked with thousands of business leaders, Human Resources professionals, and Learning & Development executives to successfully implement their tools. Meredith co-authored her latest books, Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills and Peer Coaching Made Simple, with her business partner, Dr. Dennis Coates. In them, Meredith and Dr. Coates provide a how-to guide for improving communication at work and how people can support each other as peer coaches.
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