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NOVEMBER REGIONAL WEBINAR EVENT: “The Science of Hybrid What Every L&D Professional Needs to Know!”

  • 30 Nov 2022
  • 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
  • Online


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Regional Webinar Event | Wed, Nov 30, 2022 | 6:00 - 7:15  PM | Online

WEDNESDAY, November 30, 2022

The Science of Hybrid:

What Every L&D Professional

Needs to Know!

Denise Brouder

Founder, Head of Data & Insights


NNJ ATD is proud to participate in the ATD Regional Webinar Series.

This collaboration of 7 ATD chapters (including Eastern PA,
Greater Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Mid NJ, Northern NJ,
Long Island & New York City) is bringing together the
best of our networks to provide world class presenters and content. 

We look forward to sharing these webinars with you throughout 2022!


About This Event

When it comes to building consensus in a hybrid workplace, Learning & Development teams across companies are being charged with the task of "figuring it out.”

This session will help you get there by moving beyond the "hybrid-what" to the "hybrid-how" -- a data-informed and research-based methodology proven to bring hybrid work models to life.

During this interactive presentation, participants will explore the skills, techniques & mindset of hybrid work mastery, at scale.

About Our Presenter


Workplace Futurist,
Hybrid Work Researcher, International Speaker, Founder of SWAYworkplace

Denise is the Founder at SWAYworkplace, a learning & development consultancy focused on hybrid work skills mastery, at scale.

She sees the Future of Work as an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine work in a way that allows us to live balanced, purposeful, and meaningful lives; and has a burning desire to develop a Future of Work mindset in the everyday person.

As an undergraduate from the University of Limerick in Ireland, Denise came to New York on a one-way ticket to embark on a ten-year Wall St. career in financial oversight and operational controls at Merrill Lynch & Goldman Sachs.

As an eternal optimist and a keen innovator with a desire for flexibility, Denise transitioned to the startup world as a founding team member of a successful high growth technology startup company.

She founded SWAYworkplace with the mission to level the playing field through the power of hybrid.

Denise holds an MBA from Fordham University and a BBS in Finance & Economics from the University of Limerick, Ireland. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and three children.

You can contact and/or connect with SWAYworkplace using the following options: 



  • NNJ ATD Members – Member Benefit
  • Non NNJ ATD Members – $20.00

Webinar Registration

  • A link to attend the webinar will be included in your registration confirmation email.

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