NNJ ASTD Invites You!
1st Annual Women's History Month Celebration
"How Women Are Transforming Leadership"
Northern NJ ASTD invites you to join us as we host our 1st Annual Women's History Month Celebration on March 12, 2014, from 5:30-9:00pm, at the Mansion on the beautiful campus of Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ. REGISTER EARLY to secure your spot in this much anticipated event!
About Our Program
What began in 1978 as a local event for a single week in Sonoma County, California to promote the teaching of women’s history is now an International Woman’s Month and we are excited to celebrate this historic event with you!
Our renowned speaker, Mary Lou Decosterd, leadership author and founder of the Lead Life Institute will share an inspiring and interactive presentation on how women today are transforming leadership. Following there will be a lively panel discussion focused on transformational results through gender-integrated leadership where industry experts share their experiences on collaborating to attain optimal results.
In addition to our fascinating keynote speaker and panelists we have plenty of surprises in store including networking, giveaways and prizes. We will also announce our first ever NNJ ASTD Woman of the Year Award! What a night to celebrate!
Both men and women will not want to miss this special event!
Who Should Attend This Event
Everyone is welcome so don’t miss what is sure to be an exciting event for both men and women.
About our Presenter
Our keynote speaker Mary Lou Decosterd is founder and managing executive of the Lead Life Institue, a leadership psychology consultancy offering programs and services to help executives, teams and organizations become their best. Dr. Decosterd has 25 years of experience in organizational development, applied psychology and university teaching and is the author of three leadership books, including, Right Brain Left Brain Leadership: Shifting Style for Maximum Impact, Right Brain Left Brain President: Barack Obama’s Uncommon Leadership Ability and How We Can Each Develop It and How Women Are Transforming Leadership: Four Key Traits That Power Success.
Mary Lou Decosterd Bio http://www.leadlifeinstitute.com/m_decosterd.html
Our panelists will include industry experts representing a diverse group of corporate executives, women leaders and independent business owners, both male and female
5:30 - Networking and Dinner
6:30 - Key Note Speaker and Panelist
8:30 - Additional Networking
9:00 - Adjournment
Click here for driving directions
Meet Our Sponsors
Champions for Success
Eriksen Translations
FDU Graduate Studies
Lead Life Institute
Premier Jewlry
The Total Health Coach
Trignano Consulting
United Water
Sherwood Learning Solutions, LLC
Sponsorship Opportunities
We are seeking multiple sponsors for this event and extend this opportunity to businesses that want to support and celebrate Women’s History Month. Sponsorship includes: a display area for networking, logo on printed event materials and chapter communications regarding this event.
$75 includes both the cost for sponsorship and one program admission.
Please forward sponsorship requests to sueiw@optonline.net.to women owned businesses who wish to support and celebrate Women’s History Month.
Please forward sponsorship requests to sueiw@optonline.net.
Pre-registration Pricing
NNJ-ASTD Members - $45
Non-Members - $60
Mid-NJ, NY Metro, or North Jersey-Rockland SHRM - $45
Professionals in Transition - $35 (NNJ-ASTD Members Only)
Students - $20 (must have valid ID)
Event Contact
For any questions about this event, please contact:
Marian Janes, mj@jancomassociates.com.
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